Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wacom Rocks

Hello everyone! I am writing this blog with Windows Vista's handwriting recognition software and my Wacom tablet. It's pretty well responsive I only have to fix one or two letters per line I write. Well, once I get used to this more I will use it to post more.


Saturday, June 7, 2008

3D Character Animation Final

Here's my final for Character animation! I thought it was pretty good so I figured I would show you guys. Let me know what you think! Eventually I will put a gallery page up on my website with everything on there but that won't be for a while when I actually have some free time.

I had my last class at AIP on Thursday! That was just excellent. Leaving class that night released so much stress.. so good.

Well I have a crap load of stuff to do today.

- m

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Weezer album!

The Red Album is excellent. Get it.

I'll be posting this weekend the animation I've been working on the past couple of days. I'm really proud of it, so hopefully you guys like it.

Offspring's new album comes out soon, too. Can't wait for that!

- m!